Wednesday, June 04, 2008

potential or not?

somethings i just cant understand:

1. how do people stay perpetually happy for such prolong periods of time?
2. how do they give so much and expect so little?

i guess im just selfish.

sometimes we just let our thoughts get to our heads. theres always so much to live for, and as for me, i would rather not.

true, the greatest potential is in the graveyard. and whats stopping us from attaining all of this? is it for us to say that if we put in x amount of work, then we reap x amount of rewards? tis not a objective matter, but an subjective one. but i realize potential is only fulfilled in God's time, we just prepare, and we expect naught.

its hard.

one day, we plan out our lives, it always seems so bright, perfect. and life itself is self defeating paradox, designed to snuff out all perfection. maybe its true, we dont deserve it, but then again, we dont decide whether to go on or not. and then again, we are not god and theres no perfection apart from him. its all a matter of sucking in another breath of air, and going under until life drains us of all strength and drive.

and there we go again :)

that aside i think i shall start on titus now.


Blogger --nicole said...

y asi comores te queiro

It means "I love you just the way you are." Now, we can say that to anyone whom we love, but we can't say that to God.

That's because the phrase "just the way you are" implies imperfection. But God is PERFECT in every way, so we can say this:

I love you, God.


10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone can stay perpetually happy for long periods of time because if you're living a LIFE, it has got many tastes sides and colours to it, and sometimes we merely just choose to express certain sides of it, but we go thru all of them all the same :)

Usually when you put in effort or you receive something you naturally expect more, or you just expect, and i think expectations are sometimes like goals, if you see it in a positive pov, such that you make yourself deserving to expect and to get what you expect. Meaning when you expect you're actually the one who's giving instead of just waiting to receive. That also means you need to be practical, contented and mostly humble :)

Sometimes we receive many things ppl never intended to give along the way, merely just by chance we discovered ourselves or just in the giving process you learn much more than when you receive, and what you learn in this process might outweigh what you expect in the end :)

Everyone is selfish and we should never expect/judge with God in the picture when it comes to people, cause merely that undermines Him and it gives injustice to all of us. AHH potential needs to be discovered and built upon i guess, and normally much of our potential is being liberated by others, encouraged and allowed to expand and be acted upon.

I hope i make sense, sometimes thinking sucks when we seem to be thinking in circles and never out of it :)no intended meaning HAHA. Anyhow remember everyone/everything is in your life for a reason, sometimes it can only be discovered if you dare to explore and whether it's good or not is purely dependent on how you deal with it :) even bad things are blessings in disguise, what's there to fear if things fail or they hurt? That's why we like the pain sometimes,it gives us courage. To love and not to love again. To trust, believe and still hope despite circumstances for what you perceive is how you gonna act and that muchly affects what you gonna get :)

12:26 PM  

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