Saturday, July 08, 2006

friends =)

i think im jealous. hahah. feel green in d face when everyone is talking about going out, but im stuck at home mugging away (slacking too) hahah. i think its really quite frankly a waste of time, but i still long to go out with friends. weird feelings, but i dont know what i want. vasciliating inbetween the two sides these few days. but based on my past experience, i would rather not have this huge social circle, and become such a superficial person. i prefer a smaller but deep circle of friends now. call me old but i consider me stupid for pursuing such a goal last time. friends =) hahah. i really have no more say.


Blogger Julia Kwan said...

hey, i think this post is quite true. but hey, you can have a wide social circle & yet very close friends. you don't become a superficial person by having a huge social circle! hahaha. seeya soon friend! :D

1:10 AM  
Blogger Karl G. said...

Quite true quite true.

I feel that way sometimes too.

But I think it's best to have close friends. Close friends who know much more about you than 'normal' friends.

Get what I mean?

Lol. And blog more often. Link me too.

5:02 PM  
Blogger zeslene said...

you know there's this psychological theory? apparently you can only be close to 7 people at one point in your life. so if like someone gets closer to you, then another person is pushed away. which sucks sometimes but i guess i'm selfish.

havent seen you around enough! >< still grounded?

oh yeah still praying for you dude you're growing haha i hope i am too! pray for me yeah. (:

whee study hard!
(but play harder, of course) :D

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo dude... last time i saw u was at marina sq... dis year... u rmber...? btw... wats ur hotmail n friendster...? reply me by tagging my blog... its spam me...

4:20 PM  
Blogger gabrielle said...

hey!i understand what you mean..but well its more important to stay close to GOD:)will continue to pray for you...

6:35 PM  
Blogger Edina said...

I'm at home mugging too though it's my last paper tomorrow.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! that's exactly how im feeling right now (: go my blog ok! i went church for the first time ytd (: you're gonna smile at this right. coz yea, credits go to all those who motivated me to go haha. rmbr to tag when you go ok!

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah since when did your posts become so chim O.o im not even hundred percent sure what vasciliating means!! xD

but you're right. what's the use of having so many friends, and one day realise that so many of them aren't really what you could, would call friends.

but what your friends said is true. you can have a wide social circle, and still have a group of close friends. and i suppose thats what you have now, actually xD

haha, but one thing you can be sure of is that i'm your friend =D

hurhur, cyas!

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hurhur, i don't mean to be an ass, but the word is vacillating, not vasciliating =D Just to prevent you from using it wrongly next time +D


4:07 PM  

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