Saturday, October 17, 2009

david, you disgust me,
you bloody fool.

why are you so weak?

why are you so stupid?

why david, why?
God, i feel so cheated by you.
you have promised me so much
yet at the same time,
i have nothing.

not even faith, forgive me.
please God, take me away.
take me away from all this.

Monday, October 12, 2009

i guess i'm really sheltered, for reality has just started to set in. or maybe not sheltered, but ignorant. after so many years, i'm finally coming to terms with the fact that things are about to move on, and so must i. we could look at our lives in phases, and one is definitely coming to an end for me, and so many things along with it.

lets review the different things that will come to an end:

1. the first and most prevalent part of my life that ceases to be is that of school as an institution that i know of. i am currently 18 years of age, and being in an institute of learning has occupied more than 3/4 of this since kindergarten, to primary school and progressing on to secondary school education and finally ending at junior college. although education is arguably a life long pursuit, school life is finite. the difference between schools and universities, i feel, is the atmosphere and culture. when we leave our alma mater, we essentially lose the luxury of seeing your acquaintances, friends, close friends at any point in time. there is a certain distance in universities, where one only knows ones faculty mates, where there is no orientation for the cohort, where there is no motivation or incentive to get to know another person. the atmosphere is more individualistic, and less inviting as compared to secondary school and junior college. One knows what one is going to do in university, and one just does what one needs to get done.

2. the impact that i will have in youth service will fade. its most saddening, for there will be fewer opportunities to impact people in church. it seems as though everything that i have worked towards, building up relationships, my cell will eventually pass on. i wonder sometimes, who would rise up to take my place, or will there even be someone else? but we live by faith, and although my time is up in this ministry, by faith i know God will sustain and build it up.

3. the friends. jc showed me who probably would grow old together with me, life long friends. people who i want to keep in touch with. it also allowed me to understand that as one grows older, ones pool of close friends gets smaller. it is tough to grasp, but its better than having no one at all :)

perhaps its best by ending with this:
do not worry about tomorrow, for sufficient are the worries of today