Sunday, August 26, 2007


dont you understand?
there is no difference if there is or isnt god.
god doesnt change anything.
he only prevents us from seeing our own sin.
and realizing our defects.
ultimately there is no cure to this condition.
only death.

god is merely a blind to it all.

today i watched people raise their hands and close their eyes in reverent worship. and i was so disgusted at the hypocrisy that i almost screamed and smashed the glass. if we are 2 worship it should only be logical, or not worship at all. emotions fail and they disgust me.

everything is disgusting. repulsive. look closely at your own face, there is nothing to be proud of. i never realized how disgusting and shameless i am, showing off such a face in public. i hate my face. it disgusts me.

the more i look at myself, i feel like mutilating this fucking body. it is a most repulsive thing. and to look behind all this physical blinds lies the most hideous part of the entire human. the soul.

I HATE MY SOUL. there is nothing but ego-centric and self-preservation. it disgusts me. i want to die and be rid of this, yet my will to live overpowers me. suffocation doesnt work. jumping leaves no second choice. and because i live, people suffer. fuck. fuck this life. fuck everything. fuck the body. fuck the disgusting hideous monstrosity. fuck all humans. fiends. self centred dumbfucks. pretending in church to be kind and caring. fuck you all man.

until we die:

1. we shall avoid god - he warps your thinking with his advocation of salvation.
2. we shall avoid looking at mirrors - for the face is the emblem of pride.
3. we shall avoid irrational emotions - they give birth to madness.
4. we shall train ourselves to live in sincerity - there is none.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

keep away from me

words fail to decribe me.

i am not who you think i am.
im only pretending to love you, remember that.
there is no truth in whatever i say.
i never keep my promises.

but someday i shall succeed.
there is no cure for this disease, that of being human.
only death.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We walked the skies of infinite blackness, just you and i
When all at once we tripped upon a star.
And fell to where we still are

how sad.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

4: Melancholy, Phlegmatic

HIGHLY Negative with a HIGH tendency not to enjoy positive events - Melancholy
SLIGHTLY Negative with a LOW tendency not to enjoy positive events - Phlegmatic

Combination - THE ULTIMATE EMO

its interesting to note that i never really realized that negativity was part of my temperament =)

The Melancholic Phlegmatic.

The Melancholy's Emotions
Remembers the negatives
Moody and depressed
Enjoys being hurt
Has false humility
Off in another world
Low self-image
Has selective hearing
Too introspective
Guilt feelings
Persecution complex
Tends to hypochondria

The Melancholy As A Parent
Puts goals beyond reach
May discourage children
May be too meticulous
Becomes martyr
Sulks over disagreements
Puts guilt upon children

The Melancholy At Work
Not people oriented
Depressed over imperfections
Chooses difficult work
Hesitant to start projects
Spends to much time planning
Prefers analysis to work
Hard to please
Standards often to high
Deep need for approval

The Melancholy As a Friend
Lives through others
Insecure socially
Withdrawn and remote
critical of others
Holds back affections
Dislikes those in opposition
Suspicious of people
Antagonistic and vengeful
Full of contradictions
Skeptical of compliments

The Phlegmatic's Emotions
Fearful and worried
Avoids responsibility
Quiet will of iron
To shy and reticent
Too compromising

The Phlegmatic As A Parent
Lax on discipline
Doesn't organize home
Takes life to easy

The Phlegmatic At Work
Not goal oriented
Lacks self motivation
Hard to get moving
Resents being pushed
Lazy and careless
Discourages others
Would rather watch

The Phlegmatic As a Friend
Dampens enthusiasm
Stays uninvolved
Is not exciting
Indifferent to plans
Judges others
Sarcastic and teasing
Resists change

interesting =)

for your own revelation and discovery.