Thursday, August 28, 2008

of being right and wrong

I was thinking, why is it man qualifies his decisions in rights and wrongs? Is there a specific need to know that he is doing the right thing? What is this need then? It is probably a need to be secure in his self-righteousness, to preserve his pride, which results in a sense of peace.

Morality and ethics were devised to ensure that man was making the "right" choice in all his decisions regarding others. Truth is another absolute that man uses to verify the righteousness of his judgment. And upon this justice is built.

Why is man so full of himself?

Ah misanthropy, why plague me thus?

God how do you love, and how do you receive love.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the final goodbye

everything in life boils down to the parting. Goodbye is a standard prefix to the dearth of something good. Goodbye is finality itself and although there can be many, there is always a final one.

I realize I have been searching for a companion, one with whom there would be no goodbyes. Although theres always God, its sad to understand that such a person will never be found, and theres no assurance in anything to do with mankind. People make me sad, and I find little solace being around them. All the words that end with ship, relationship, friendship, they all disgust me. Because ultimately man is still self-serving. I am so disillusioned with people now, they make me tired.

In the gas theory, an ideal gas is one where the molecules have no inter-molecular attraction, is said to occupy no volume whatsoever. Sadly, life is far from idea, and in order to maintain such a scenario, we set the container at high temperatures and low pressure. High temperatures to ensure that the molecules lose little energy when they collide with one another, and low pressures to ensure a large volume, rendering the volume of the molecule negligible.

How apt. Ideal people are like such gas molecules. They need no one. Being driven individuals, whatever excess energy imparted to them or lost to other molecules is negligible. And they keep far away from each other to ensure minimal contact with other molecules.

How apt indeed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Weekly Wisdoms for the week of August 25, 2008
Every problem is an opportunity to trust God.

We all experience difficulties, problems, and trials throughout life. Usually, we also look for ways to solve those problems. All of the various solutions basically ask one of these two questions: "What can I do to solve this?" Or, "What can God do to solve this?"

In other words, we either try to solve the problem on our own, or we let God solve it. Obviously, it is much wiser to give your problems to God.

Therefore, in the midst of your problem, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Trust God to solve your problems. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:4).

During your trials you should frequently quote Psalm 91:2: I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Furthermore, when you're truly trusting in God, there is nothing to worry about. Jesus said, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me" (John 14:1).

Make this your cry: "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" (Psalm 20:7).

Trust the Lord God Almighty in every area of your life, even during problems, because every problem gives you an opportunity to trust God.

Christ must be at the center of your relationships because He provides a stable, fixed point of reference; otherwise, your relationships will be frail and fragile.

Every relationship is based or founded on something. For example, some relationships are based on the fact that both people work for the same company, attend the same school, or sharing a similar interest in a hobby or sport.

With all of relationships, once a common bond is no longer present, the relationship will tend to deteriorate. For example, once a child graduates from high school and moves off to college, he or she will probably lose most of the relationships formed with classmates, because school is no longer a common bond and thus there is nothing holding the relationship together.

However, if your relationships are formed around a common belief in Christ, then no matter what else happens in life, as long as that common bond is still present those relationships will last.

Thus, it is clear why 2 Corinthians 6:14 instructs believers not to marry unbelievers: Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

If you want to maintain lasting, stable relationships, they must be Christ-centered.

Friday, August 22, 2008

of God and man.

Its been a damn long haitus since I last blogged anything more than emotional rantings of this stress-filled life. And I want to thank God for so many things. :D

Joining the committee STBAPMIMSS has been a life changing experience. It has really changed the way I look at life, and in this way it has changed how I act, react, respond to various situations.

FYI: STBAPMIMSS means So That By All Possible Means I Might Save Some, and for those who can guess, it is an evangelical movement that aims to promote evangelism as a lifestyle.

I love God, and this I am sure of. I love Him so much that I am willing to die for Him if the situation called for it. Forgive me if I sound fanatic, but if you were in love with a girl, or vice versa, this would be how you felt. And I am sure that this is justified :)

Throughout the course of this year, I have grown to love God more and more, and of late, to depend on Him like I have never before. Nowadays I am trying to read my bible or at least pray before starting any school work. I mean as a Christian we say grace before we eat right? Why limit God's blessing to just food? Why not include Him in every single aspect of your life? :D

Of late I have had the conviction of STBAPMIMSS, when I see so many people, I feel that there is a need to share God with them and this burden weighs heavily on me sometimes. But I have realized that sharing God doesn't essentially mean sharing the theological arguments, but rather His Goodness with others.

On the 16th of August, after STBAPMIMSS we all took a taxi home. As I was the last passenger, upon nearing my house, the taxi driver asked me a question: ni men shi tan jiao tang de shi ma? Translated, it means: You guys were talking about church stuff right? Yes, I replied and the rest of the night was never the same.

The taxi driver then began telling me about his karma-esque view towards life, that Man was going against nature by eating meat, and hence becoming more barbaric (-.^), and that perfection was an achievable state through great control and restraint. We spent half an hour after that sitting in his taxi, with the air-con running (wasting precious petrol on his side) talking about our religion. I shared that God was love, and the question was not really about whether we ate meat or not, it was only with God that we could become transformed into the likeliness of Christ which is to love unconditionally which also questioned his second point. All of this in my weaker language: Chinese.

The conclusion: he still believed that man should not eat meat. (-.^) But I thank God for seting up this opportunity, because I found out he was a believer before, and a seed was sown in his life, waiting for the next person to harvest it. I thank God also because this taxi driver was willing to sit down for half an hour, wasting his petrol, with the air-con on, parked beside my home, listening to me and talking to me about God.

God is good. :D

After I walked up, I went online, and immediate a friend of mine started sharing with me about who he loved. And I took the opportunity to share how my relationship with God had been my strength. We talked for a long time that night, and I am looking to follow up with him on God.

Praise God man. :D

Let a revival take place, and let me be a part of it. :D