Saturday, December 27, 2008


i love water, for sadness and tears are so cleverly hidden in its bountiful presence, be it in the bathtub or the swimming pool. however, there has to be at least a substantial amount or flow to caress your face. it then consumes your pain and sorrow, and drowns the salinity of your tears in its giant mass.

it sympathizes with you, as the overcast sky begins to break, as it beats down on your back in great torrents, as though saying, 'cheer up dear brother, the sun will be out again.'

water does not fight back. it does not hurt when your fist connects with it, and the cold, wet sensation douses anger and frustration. it slowly morphs its shapeless form into a massive upward explosion, so virile, so potent, yet collapses ever so gently on your tear-stricken face. you can scream till your lungs burst from exhaustion in its vacuous mass and it will still be silent.

it is ever so calm, stately and peaceful; so soothing with its gentle rhythm - the lapping of the waves against the sand-strewn beach, the ever-widening ripples in a pond, your swimming pool as the water leaps in and out of the drains surrounding it, the pitter-patter of raindrops on the parched ground.

it is silent, still and feeling, never asking, always accomodating, always gentle, always receiving, always giving.

i love water.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

to become more like Christ

there will always be this emptinesss that gnaws at the very core of my being, whenever God is absent that is.

i want to become more like Christ, and will become like Christ, holy and righteous someday. till then, i am glad that i can suffer and understand just a little of what it took Him to redeem us.

today as we sprinted 800m. after 400m my body was tired, and i let up the pace, only to finish 1 lap behind the others. i felt so guilty as i could draw the parallel between my spiritual walk and this very training. it was sickening to know in spite of how tired i was, i still had the potential to finish this well.

i will definitely make mistakes and fail terribly again. but now regardless of how tired i am, i will push myself to finish this race, for i know greater is He that is in me than He who is in the world.

this maxim i chanted throughout the next 400m, as we did averaged 16 seconds per lap: i want to become more like Christ. Truly i do, just that i have to surrender my will to Him, and let Him drive me, just as my body went on autopilot during that arduous sprint.

To you God, i commit myself once again, to be led by your spirit.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Friday, December 19, 2008

If I say I love God, what do I love?

there are many reasons why we love God, and so i have learnt, and most of them are for our own self-gratitude.

What do we love about God? Is it we love Him and Him alone, or is there something else behind loving Him - a motive perhaps?

Something that I learnt throughout Rhema, is that God is deserving of all love. That for one is true. Secondly, why we love God is because he loves us, so much, so much.

And really, it is so passionate, His love for us.

I have really been blessed by Rhema 08, because i understand how deep and how vast is his love for us. i saw the nail pierced hands stretched out towards us, and i now i seek to bless others with the same nail pierced hands.

Love comes regardless of the cost, it flows regardless of pain and suffering; in fact it thrives in pain.

Lord, help me to love you more and to grow in my capacity to love you. Lord, help me also to love others in the same way you loved me.